Thursday, July 15, 2010

It all started when. . . . . .

My husband bought me a new camera for Christmas (thank you Ron).  I fell instantly in love with it but was clueless how to even start using it since it wasn't point and shoot.  So I watched the DVDs that came with it, read the manual (sorta), charged the battery and started taking pictures four hours later.  They weren't great but they weren't that bad either. 

I lead a pretty busy life so actually learning how to use it wasn't something I felt I could do right away.  In fact remembering the name of the camera, beyond the actual company name proved to be difficult too (though I don't know why).  For anyone interested it's a Nikon D3000.  There. . . . . I have it referenced in case I forget again. 

Every now and then I'd read something on the Internet that would help me take better photo.  Weeks passed studying lessons online and I did get better.  You know. . . .rule of thirds, panning, horizon lines and so on.  Tiring of sitting at the computer for long hours reading, I decided to by books and actually read them instead of just looking at the pretty pictures.  I ordered a three book series by Scott Kelby and instantly knew I'd hit home with some really good tools.

I began learning immediately.  At the same time I bought a book called Photoshop Elements 7 for Digital Photography also by Scott and Matt Kloskowski.  Both books changed how I view the world of photography.  So no, this isn't an add for Scott or his publisher.  It's a real life testimonial from someone who only thought she knew how to take a good photo to someone who now knows  she can (or at least can fix it in Photoshop!)

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